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Discerning the Path

Updated: Aug 7, 2021

I had three questions about taking a particular class. The first visit to the class had put a bad taste in my mouth. It was a comment from the teacher about making a lot of money. I was fresh into wanting God to lead my life, and it concerned me about whether this was the right path for me. Don’t get me wrong, I have wanted to make money as much as the next person. However, I had made such bad decisions prior to asking God to lead my life that I wanted to be sure that I wasn’t wondering down a long and wrong path again. This was the first time that I sought answers to specific questions, and He answered them one by one with verses in the Bible.

I wrote in my journal that I had fasted and prayed for forgiveness so that my mind would be clear to God’s voice. I was still at the place in my life where I was new to God’s leading. All that I could do was follow where I got revelations in my spirit and see where they led. There is a verse about testing every spirit, so instead of determining that it was God, I would follow promptings in my spirit to see if it turned out to yield peace in my heart or understanding and so forth.

I asked God about whether I should take the class, and I felt prompted to turn to a verse about discipline. It was Deuteronomy 4:36: From Heaven He made you hear his voice to discipline you. I wrote that the definition of discipline is – the training that develops self-control, character, and orderliness. If I persevere through this class, I will have gained discipline, character, orderliness and have obeyed God. Things continued to fill my heart and make me aware, like discipline and its various forms, are right after the word disciple in the dictionary. It was God filling my heart with revelations of knowing Him more.

I was also concerned about the focus on money, so I asked God about that. Not knowing the Bible well, another verse came to me. I looked it up, and it was about a large house having various articles in it and some are for noble purposes while others are for ignoble purposes. It goes on to say that if a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes… What I got out of it was to ignore the money part of the class but allow God to give me discipline and self-control for his work.

God graciously answered my third question with a different verse. I went on to take the class. It certainly required a lot of discipline! The result of it was so fruitful, and it continued to lay the foundation of later callings in my life. It taught me to not be so quick to judge but to search and ask God with an open mind prepared to listen and discern His leading. This was a way that God was real in my life.

Much love to you my sister or brother,


photo courtesy of Unsplash



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